Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Trip to Pyrenees

  • The Creek that ran through the entire walk.
  • So pretty!
  • The girls, my roommate and I on the ends and the girls in the middle we met here.

As many of you don't know as part of my program we have organized trips and field trips. Two weekends ago was our first overnight trip to the Pyrenees Mountains in Northern Spain. It was beautiful, we stayed there for one night and it was so nice to be cold for once! (Barcelona is humid and hot). We left on a Friday and stayed in a very small town named Taull. The population was only 100 people!!! On Saturday we went on a 5 hour hike, more like a nature walk, but it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Rivers snaked throughout and cows roamed throughout the beautiful greenery. It was nice to get out of the city and enjoy nature and the clean air. Our trip was two days and one night, but it was perfect all of you would have loved it!!

1 comment:

erin said...

so funny, Kristin and Mike have the same Ikea chairs that you have at your dining room table!