Wednesday, November 5, 2008


  • My crazy guy friends.. rented those dancer costumes for 100 euros!! the shoes were crazy too.. too funny!

  • The roomies the first night.. two devils, a rocker, and a pirate arrr
  • The vacas of the night

Hola que pasa?!!?

First off, Halloween in Barcelona does not compare to the craziness of Santa Barbara, but it was AMAZING. They don't really celebrate it too much here, but there were a couple of parties and clubs that everyone in my program went to. (and reminder drinking age is 16 crazzzzyy!) The first night I was a devil and the second night I was una vaca (cow!) haha it was fun cow tipping my friends all night! Also, this week I had my first Spanish speaking partner and it was quite the experience! They kind of took over both the Spanish speaking time and the English, but it was still good practice, and I definitely want to do it again! Today I went on a field trip to the Picasso museum (again), but this time got to ask my professor all the questions I had. Tomorrow I am off to Sevilla with my program (planned by the program). There are two groups and all my best guy and girl friends are going this weekend so it's going to be a blast, I will fill you in when I get back. Also, I would like to stress what an experience it was to wake up in Spain and find out who the president of the United States was. It was so weird for the election to take place while I am out of the country, making this election twice as grand from me. Also, despite your personal choice, I would like to inform you that people around the world were voting for Obama. American's will now be treated with a little more respect... hopefully. Thats all for now, take care!
with love,
ME :)